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By Adriana Noton
A homeowner can deploy several basement insulation methods. Spray foam is probably the best possible methods for a damp area. The closed cell foam is best for sealing the walls and locking the water out. It offers several insulation benefits in addition to adding structural stability. It makes a great vapor barrier and can easily cover the utilities without causing harm.
Furthermore, it can provide exception R values, which saves on energy bills. Nevertheless, despite all of the advantages, spray foam is quite expensive. It is also a very messy procedure. However, if the homeowner can afford the additional expense, this is the best method for Basement Wall Insulation.
Another great method for Insulating Basement Walls is to use foam boards. This is a great alternative to the spray technique above because most homeowners can do the project themselves without special tools. It is also much cheaper than the spray foam and this makes it a good alternative. There are many different types of foam boards on the market. Since each of them has a different R Value, it is best to do some homework before deciding.
Keep in mind that foam board comes in various thicknesses. Sealing it properly is what creates the necessary vapor barrier. If only a foam board product is used, then two inches of thickness is best to use. Check with any local code requirements before purchasing. The joints can be sealed with a heavy siding board tape. Then, use the spray foam in a can to seal around any pipes and utilities.
An additional Basement Insulation technique is new. A Hybrid foam board is made using fiberglass. This is least expensive material and it is easy to work with. Furthermore, it performs well in most basements. However, this method is not recommended for all basements. So be sure to check the manufacturer’s recommendations before deciding.
This type of board simply mounts to the wall. Sealing it with the tape and spray foam mentioned above is the next step. Then, a regular framed wall is built in front of the block wall. Fiberglass insulation is added to the stud wall to complete the project. The only thing to do now is to install the drywall.
Vapor Barriers are recommended for any downstairs area with a moisture problem. These will keep the living space nice and comfortable all year round. It does this by eliminating much of the humidity. In addition, they also keep out drafts and bugs. Since their cost is small, adding them to the project is a best decision. They also make Insulating Basement ceilings easier.
In conclusion, not all basements will make useful living spaces. However, using the right basement insulation methods can transform many basements into wonderful living areas. New materials and foam sprays are making what was once thought impossible a reality. Since the materials are easier to work with homeowners can install them without having to buy specialized tools. Finally, always remember to check the local building codes and follow the manufacturer’s instructions.
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Basement Wall Insulation
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