Bodybuilding Workout Plan: A Structure For Optimal Muscle Growth

The journey of bodybuilding can be a long and grueling one, but taking a strategic approach can help optimize muscle gain and strength progression. An effective bodybuilding workout plan is not a one-size-fits-all program; it needs to be tailored to an individual’s specific goals, body type and available resources. Below, we offer a structure for optimal muscle growth, emphasizing a comprehensive and strategic methodology to working out, and a trending concept often mentioned within fitness forums, sarms results online.

Understanding The Basics

Traditionally, bodybuilding workout plans break down into two categories: full-body workouts and split-routines. Full-body workouts utilize all major muscle groups in a single session, typically performed three times a week. On the other hand, split-routines divide the body into segments, allowing for targeted muscle group training multiple times a week, ultimately driving up muscle hypertrophy.

The Workout Plan

A workout plan aiming at maximizing muscle growth needs to combine both strength and hypertrophy-based training. Implementing a hybrid model can leverage the benefits of both training modalities into one perfect conglomerate. Here’s a sample week:

  • Monday: Upper Body Strength(High-intensity, low-repetition)
  • Tuesday: Lower Body Hypertrophy(Moderate-intensity, high-repetition)
  • Wednesday: Rest
  • Thursday: Lower Body Strength(High-intensity, low-repetition)
  • Friday: Upper Body Hypertrophy(Moderate-intensity, high-repetition)
  • Saturday/Sunday: Rest or Cardio

Regardless of the workout plan, the critical points to remember are progressive overload and recovery, these are the main driving points for any successful bodybuilding journey.

Nutrition and Supplement Strategy

The bodybuilding workout plan is half the battle. Nutrition plays a decisive role in muscle recovery and growth. A calorie surplus and a good balance of macronutrients (proteins, fats, and carbs) are necessary for muscle hypertrophy. The general guide for protein intake for bodybuilders is 1.6 to 2.2 grams of protein per kilogram of bodyweight.

As for supplements, there has been a rising trend examining ‘sarms results online’. SARMs, short for selective androgen receptor modulators, have become favored by many bodybuilders, promising lean muscle gain without the infamous side effects associated with anabolic steroids. While their efficacy and safety is debatable, bodybuilders are increasingly examining ‘sarms results online’ – shared personal experiences of users featured on numerous bodybuilding platforms.

Rest and Recovery

Overlooking the significant role of recovery in a bodybuilding plan is a common mistake. Every workout causes microscopic damage to the muscle fibers, and it’s during rest that our body repairs these muscles, making them stronger in the process. Incorporating rest days, getting enough sleep, and using recovery methods like foam rolling or mobility exercises are essential steps towards hitting your bodybuilding goals.

In conclusion, a robust bodybuilding workout plan integrates strategic workouts, adequate nutrition, smart supplements, and adequate recovery time. Progress may be slow, so patience is paramount. As the famous adage goes: Rome wasn’t built in a day, neither will your dream physique!

Bodybuilding Coach: The Role And Importance

Bodybuilding is an art as much as it is a science, involving the perfect balance of diet, exercise, and lifestyle habits to sculpt the body towards maximal strength and aesthetics. One vital aspect in this journey often overlooked is the importance of a professional bodybuilding coach. A bodybuilder’s success often leans heavily on their coach, who takes charge of not just their training regimen, but their overall life management, to help create the champion within.

The Role of a Bodybuilding Coach

A bodybuilding coach is a mentor, a guide, a confidante, and sometimes, even a psychologist. They are responsible for tailoring training programs that match the client’s specific needs, abilities, and goals. The coach’s expertise extends far beyond the gym; they oversee the trainee’s nutrition, sleep patterns, mental health, and recovery routines.

More than a Trainer

What’s more, the bodybuilding coach also develops strategies to keep the athlete motivated and goal-oriented. They help the bodybuilder navigate the ups and downs of the journey, providing both emotional and physical support to prevent burnouts or injuries. Much like a professional life coach, they work to reduce stress and enhance mental health, helping the athlete face the enormous pressure that comes with competitive bodybuilding.

Nutritional Expertise

Nutrition plays a crucial role in bodybuilding. A coach devises a detailed diet plan that ensures adequate intake of all necessary nutrients for muscle growth and fat loss, in sync with the training regimen. Supplementation is also an important area that coaches focus on as it can speed up the process and yield better results.

Supplementation in bodybuilding often includes a combination of protein powders, vitamins, and other performance-enhancing compounds. One particular area that has gained popularity in recent times is the use of SARMs (Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators) for bodybuilding.

The strongest SARMs for bulking have been the topic of various studies due to their potent anabolic effects which help in rapid muscle gain. They are seen as a safer alternative to conventional steroids because they selectively bind to androgen receptors in the skeletal muscle, thereby minimizing unwanted side effects. And yet, they need to be used under professional guidance due to their powerful effects. Hence, a bodybuilding coach with knowledge about SARMs can play a significant role in designing an effective, safe, and ethical supplementation program.

Concluding Remarks

In conclusion, having a knowledgeable and experienced bodybuilding coach can drastically enhance your success in the sport. Their value extends beyond the gym, influencing every facet of your bodybuilding journey. With their guidance, you could achieve greater results, avoid common pitfalls, and navigate your career path more effectively. So if you’re serious about bodybuilding and want to maximize your potential, seek the services of a professional bodybuilding coach.

Making Money With Erotic Nude Photography Don’t Forget The Paperwork}

Submitted by: Michael Charles X

A strong case could be made for the idea that the most important part of any shoot is obtaining a signed model release from the model and sharp copies of two forms of her identification (at least one being a photo ID). If youre going to make money from your photography, youll need to stay on top of the business side of things. Trust me, theres nothing more important than getting the proper paperwork completed at every shoot. Fortunately, it only takes a few minutes to get it done. Considering all the perks that come with this job, spending a few minutes to take care of the paperwork is a small price to pay.

There are two significant reasons why you must get the paperwork completed at every shoot: The first reason is that there is no legal way for you to sell your pictures to anyone without a proper model release signed by the model and two forms of identification confirming that she is of legal age.

No legitimate magazine, website, or any other type of media will accept your photographs unless you, the photographer, can provide the proper paperwork. Undoubtedly, spending time with a beautiful woman (especially a nude one) offers rewards that money cant buy. However, if youre reading this, I assume youre also looking to make money from your hard work.


The second reason to have the paperwork in order is so you dont end up with any future legal problems regarding a models age. By being diligent about this, Ive never opened myself up to any possible problems – and you shouldnt either.

There is no excuse for not checking to make sure a model is of legal age before you work with her. Its a simple matter of checking her IDs. Never make the mistake of simply taking a models word for it when she tells you her age. Dont allow your desire to photograph a particular model cause you to take any chances regarding the age issue. Its impossible for me to emphasize this strongly enough.

The first thing youll need to do is find out what the legal age is for this type of modeling in your specific location. This age can differ from state to state and country to country. As an example, the legal age in California is 18. However, I strongly advise you to do a quick search to confirm, with absolute certainty, what the legal age is for your particular state or country. I discuss this topic in more detail in my ebook, Money Shots: The Insiders Guide to the World of Nude & Erotic Photography (available for purchase and immediate download at

As far as the actual process, its really very simple. When the model shows up for a shoot, ask her for two forms of identification. One of these IDs must have a photo of her on it and it should be an official ID (a drivers license, state ID card, etc). Preferably, the second ID card would also have her photo on it, but this is usually not absolutely necessary. A Social Security card is often a convenient second form of ID. The next step is to simply confirm that the model standing before you is the same person that is pictured on the photo ID. In addition, make sure the names on the two IDs match.

After youve made copies of the IDs, turn your attention to the model release. A dated model release has to be signed for each individual shoot (however, if you shoot the same girl on more than one occasion, you will only need to get copies of her IDs the first time). Many photographers ask the model to sign the release before the shoot begins. I agree that this is the easiest and surest way to do it. Still, I usually take care of all the paperwork after the shoot is done. Fortunately, Ive never had a situation with a model being unwilling to sign a release (potential objections of this type should be taken care of well before the shoot).

About the Author: Michael Charles is a professional photographer based in Los Angeles, California. He is the author of “Money Shots: The Insider’s Guide to the World of Nude & Erotic Photography” (this book is available for purchase and immediate download at

). For over a decade, Michael has shot exclusively in the world of nude, erotic, and adult-oriented photography. His work has been featured in hundreds of national and international publications and appears on a wide variety of prominent websites. For a complete course on the techniques, styles, moneymaking secrets, and amazing fringe benefits of nude and erotic photography, visit



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Big, Bulky And Brawny: 10 Bodybuilders Who Took It To The Extreme

Big, Bulky And Brawny: 10 Bodybuilders Who Took It To The Extreme


Neelima Reddy

Theyre big, bulky, brawny. In a world which has an almost-obsession with being fit and looking good, how is that there are some individuals who can take bodybuilding to the extreme?


Theyre not satisfied with merely developing six-pack abs or good-looking biceps. What they did is take bodybuilding to the next level by working out as much as they can. The results? A man with the worlds biggest biceps, the worlds biggest shoulders and extremely sculpted men who won multiple bodybuilding titles such as Mr. Olympia and Mr. Universe. The Importance of Bodybuilding Before revealing which bodybuilders took their dedication in building muscle to the extreme, let us first discover the many reasons why they do it in the first place. If you dont plan to join a bodybuilding contest, what are the benefits that this type of activity will bring for you? Take a look at the following list: Bodybuilding develops your dedication and patience. Aside from the fact that you will reap the fruits of your labor by having a great-looking, well-shaped body later on, bodybuilding as an activity will help develop your dedication and patience. This is especially true for bodybuilders who are working hard to develop the muscles that they have in order to join a competition. You wont believe the dedication and patience that it takes to go to the gym, stick to your workout routine and practice the self-discipline necessary to reach your fitness goals. There are a lot of health benefits that you will get to enjoy when taking up bodybuilding. The minute that you decide to take on bodybuilding, you are already on your way towards enjoying the many health benefits that it brings. First of all, bodybuilding is an activity that will lower your cholesterol. As your muscles develop, you are also hopefully sticking to a healthy eating routine. This way, the fat in your diet will essentially be eliminated. Also, all that heavy lifting will benefit your cardiovascular system. [Cardiovascular Fitness] Strong bones, better flexibility, increased muscular strength and volume these are the other health benefits of bodybuilding. 10 Bodybuilders Who Took Things to the Extreme Now, let us take a look at the list of the top 10 bodybuilders who took bodybuilding a bit too seriously, which ended up making them look really big, bulky and brawny: 1. Arnold Schwarzenegger Before he was known as Californias Governator, Arnold Schwarzenegger used to be a bodybuilder. Hes an American and Austrian actor, businessman and politician who started weight training at the age of 15. To sum up his bodybuilding accomplishments, he earned the title of Mr. Universe at the age of 22. Later on in his bodybuilding career, he won the Mr. Olympia contest seven times. Even long after his retirement in the sport, he still remained to be a prominent figure in the world of bodybuilding. What makes Arnold Schwarzeneggers career in bodybuilding so significant is that he managed to popularize the sport by becoming its spokesperson, especially later on when he became an actor in Hollywood films. What makes Arnold Schwarzeneggers career in bodybuilding so significant is that he managed to popularize the sport by becoming its spokesperson, especially later on when he became an actor in Hollywood films. According to him, he had the following measurements during the peak of his career: 203 calves, 28.53 thighs, 343 waist, 573 chest and 223 arms. His personal record in bodybuilding was 181 kg/400 lbs for 12 repetitions in a full squat. The Governator earned his first Mr. Olympia title in 1970 at the age of 23, making him the youngest bodybuilder to ever hold the title. He went on to win the title six more times. 2. Charles Atlas You probably wont believe the story of how the late Charles Atlas has grown from becoming a scrawny weakling to one of the most popular extreme bodybuilders when he was still at his prime. The Italy-born bodybuilder was dubbed in 1921 by the Physical Culture magazine to be the Worlds Most Perfectly Developed Man. Aside from being a world-renowned bodybuilder, Atlas also became popular for his Dynamic Tension program. 3. Dr. Franco Columbu He may be a 67-year old man today, but Italian actor and bodybuilder Dr. Franco Columbu was an extreme bodybuilder who was also a Worlds Strongest Man competitor. Despite his not being as tall as his bodybuilder counterparts, Dr. Columbu did not allow this to prevent him from achieving worldwide success. During the 1977 competition for the Worlds Strongest Man, he bagged the first place and that signaled a winning streak for him. Mr. World, Mr. Universe, Mr. Europe, a four-time winner of the Mr. Olympia title, champion power lifting titles and power lifting best lifts are among his accomplishments in the bodybuilding industry. 4. Louis Lou Jude Ferrigno Those who are old enough may remember Lou Ferrigno as the man in the television series and movies who played the Incredible Hulk. The 57-year old actor appeared in countless magazine covers which featured bodybuilders. His first bodybuilding award came in 1971, when he bagged the title of Pro Mr. America. He also went on to win four Mr. Olympia titles. At the peak of his bodybuilding career, Lou Ferrigno was known as one of the tallest professional bodybuilders, standing at a height of 6253. 5. Sergio Olivia His nickname in the bodybuilding industry is The Myth. Sergio Olivia earned this nickname because someone commented at how unbelievable he is as a bodybuilder when he joined a 1967 Montreal World Fair competition. This Cuba-born athlete has quite a number of feats under his belt. Hes the only bodybuilder to win all the top titles in four major bodybuilding federations. Hes the first black athlete to win Mr. America, Mr. World, Mr. Universe and the Mr. Olympia titles. 6. Dexter Jackson Also known as The Blade, Dexter Jackson is yet another bodybuilder who took working out to the extreme. He first became active in the world of bodybuilding in 1992. His most recent accomplishment came in winning the Mr. Olympia titles for 2008. The 5263, 39-year old athlete joined a seemingly endless number of bodybuilding contests and until now, he is working towards maintaining his perfectly sculptured body. 7. Gregg Valentino This unbelievable bodybuilder is dubbed as the athlete with the worlds biggest biceps. Gregg Valentino started bodybuilding at the young age of 13. For 23 years, he trained naturally, but decided to experiment with steroids later on. What makes him an extreme bodybuilder is the fact that from measuring a mere 213, his arms have grown to a huge 283 measurement. However, taking things to the extreme because of the use of steroids caused him to lose the worlds biggest biceps due to some medical complications which caused his arms to explode. 8. Markus Rhl German bodybuilder Markus Rhl is a professional bodybuilder known for having the worlds biggest shoulders as well as one of the tallest athletes during his time. Standing at 52103, his competition weight reached to more than 130 kilograms and his chest size measured an astounding 603. Through the course of his bodybuilding career, Markus Rhl went on to win titles as Mr. Olympia and other awards in different bodybuilding contests with his huge shoulders as his main asset. 9. Ronnie Coleman For a bodybuilder, earning a Mr. Olympia title is one of the best accomplishments that he will ever have in his career. But what if you multiply that feat eight times over? Thats exactly the number of times that Ronald Dean Ronnie Coleman won the Mr. Olympia title. Through the course of his bodybuilding career, he went on to bag several awards in different competitions. He also is the man behind training videos like Ronnie Colemans First Training Video, The Unbelievables, The Cost of Redemption, On the Road, Relentless and Invincible. 10. Johnnie O. Jackson Johnnie O. Jackson is a New Jersey native and another extreme bodybuilder. When you look at his photos, he is not as bulky and as brawny as his other bodybuilding counterparts, but what makes him stand out from the rest is the density and thickness of his muscles even without flexing them.

Neelima Reddy, author of this article writes for Fitness Health blog offers you tips and useful information on Fitness, Exercise, Diet and Nutrition. It provides you the latest information on fitness & exercise equipment, yoga, meditation, vitamins and supplements. Visit

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Big, Bulky And Brawny: 10 Bodybuilders Who Took It To The Extreme