Meeting An Ex Girlfriend After The Breakup}

Submitted by: Anthony Malibu

Getting back together is never easy. When you meet your ex girlfriend for the first time since the break up, how exactly do you handle it? What should you tell her that lets your ex know how you feel, without scaring her away?

Meeting up with your ex girlfriend, but not sure what to say? Don’t panic, because you’re not alone. In trying to figure out the best way to get back your exgirlfriend, you’re joined by thousands of other guys in the exact same boat… all trying to accomplish the exact same goal.

The truth it, winning your ex’s attention is easy. Getting


attention is the hard part. The path to reconciliation is paved with good intentions, but without a specific plan of action? Your chances of getting back together are usually pretty slim.

If you’ve reached the point where your ex girlfriend has agreed to meet you, good for you. This demonstrates interest on her part, and shows that she still has feelings for you. A girl who’s not interested in dating you ever again will usually walk the other way and not look back. So the very fact that she’s going to meet with you at all is a good sign that your ex still loves you.

And yes, I said she still loves you. Why? Because emotional bonds aren’t so easily broken. If you think all the feelings you had for each other just disappeared into thin air the moment your girlfriend ended your relationship, you’re giving up way too easily.

Before meeting your ex girlfriend when you want her back, be sure you’ve prepared yourself for success. The following guidelines will help your meeting go as smoothly as possible, and keep you walking the path toward getting back together again:

Meet Somewhere Close and Public

The first time you see your ex after the breakup shouldn’t be in some far away, serious place. As much as you’d like to “wow” her with a romantic evening, this is the surest way to scare your girlfriend off again.

Instead, take your ex to lunch. Maybe grab coffee, or something equally quick. The goal here should be keeping things casual. Lunch or coffee leaves room for relaxing and catching up on each other’s lives, and then you can go your separate ways. Dinner is too committal, and leaves the open-ended question of “where do we go afterwards?”

Keep It Quick and Neat

You’re not meeting your ex girlfriend to get her back. Right now, you’re meeting her to put yourself back in her head again. By talking face to face, you’re reinserting yourself back in your ex’s life again. The trick however, is to do this s-l-o-w-l-y.

By keeping your reunion date quick and casual, you’re leaving before things get awkward or weird. You can catch up on what’s been going on with your ex girlfriend, and it’s good let her do most of the talking. When your meeting is over, make sure you’ve left enough mystery on your side of things. You should leave her wanting more, as this will ensure that you get another date.

Don’t Talk About Anything Serious

It goes without saying that you shouldn’t discuss your relationship during this first meeting. Talking about the break up will make things extremely awkward for your ex girlfriend, and it might lead to assigning blame. Even worse, you could end up fighting over the same things that caused the relationship to end in the first place.

Instead, ask your ex how things have been with her. Discuss school, family, work, and anything else innocent and casual. If she’s been hanging out with friends, let her tell you about it. Don’t get jealous or pry for information, or your ex will immediately realize you still have strong feelings for her.

Leave Your Ex Wanting To See You Again

Before you can your girlfriend back, one important thing needs to happen: you must make your ex want you again. She needs to miss you, and recognize that you were an important part of her life… one that she doesn’t really want to go without.

To do this, you need to make your ex laugh. When meeting your ex girlfriend when you want her back, do everything in your power to make her feel comfortable. Bring up subjects that she likes to talk about, and let her ramble on about anything she feels she wants to tell you. The more you can make it so that she has a good time? The better your ex’s opinion will be of you.

What To Do If Your Ex Girlfriend Won’t See You

The reunion date is an important part of getting back together with your ex girlfriend, and you should have fun with it. That said, if you’re having trouble getting to this point? Don’t worry, because there’s lots of help available.

Winning your girlfriend back is a completely learnable skill. Just as you once managed to capture her love and attention, there are ways of reigniting those same old sparks. The more knowledge you have, the better your chances of putting her back in your arms.

Don’t leave fixing your breakup to chance. By adopting a

step by step plan

of attack, you can learn exactly what to do and say that will help get your ex to need you back again.

About the Author: There are 8 Individual Steps necessary to

Get Back Your Ex Girlfriend

, so find out what they are! Learn what your opening moves should be, so you can get started on the path to

Winning her Back



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Vinyasa Yoga}

Vinyasa Yoga



There are a number of class types of yoga, including Vinyasa yoga. You will find that this specific type of yoga you will be able to do poses that flow into one another and it is a consistent breathing meditation. The type of breathing-oriented posed yoga is rapid and dynamic. It is another way of saying that you are into Power Yoga.

In reference to poses, Vinyasa can describe the poses performed between repeats of “Downward Facing Dog” in a Sun Salutation: Plank, “Four Limbed Staff”, and “Upward Facing Dog”.

To get into the Plank pose from a downward-facing dog, you will have to bring your torso up until your body is straight and your shoulders are directly handling over your wrists. Its like the push up position. Press down firmly through your forearms and hands, widen your shoulder blades, and press back through the heels, regardless of whether your heels touch the floor or not. You will want to make sure that your neck stays inline with your spine, but once you have mastered it, you can perform the pose with one leg lifted at a time.

From Plank, enter the Four Limbed Staff by bending your arms straight back, hugging your upper arms to your sides. Then you will want to lower yourself to the floor with your forearms and upper arms at a ninety-degree angle, while keeping your body level throughout the pose. Push back on your heels while pressing into your palms. (Beginners can leave their knees on the floor until they build the strength to hold up their bodies.) Then you can try shifting the pose while leaving one leg up from the advanced plank pose, but that is only once you’ve mastered the pose

To progress into Upward Facing Dog, tuck in your toes to roll over your feet as you come forward. Don’t let your thighs touch the floor. Make sure that you keep your legs tense and off the floor, but you will also pres into the floor with the tops of your feet and with your palms. Make sure your shoulders remain over the wrists, and drop your hips. Beginners might find it easier to transition by dropping their thighs to the floor, flipping their feet over one at a time, then raising their legs again to move into Upward Facing Dog.

These are just beginning yoga poses will require you to concentration if you would like to master it. You will also find that these are difficult for a person to master. You will want to get it a good go at learning how to do yoga. You will find that there are many difficulties that you will have with Vinyasa yoga.

Health And Beauty

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Vinyasa Yoga}

The Importance Of Hand And Finger Stretching For Guitar Lessons}

Submitted by: Audrey C. Tan

Developing agile hands and fingers is important for students who undertake guitar lessons. Many teachers who teach the musical instrument stress that having flexible hands and fingers is required for one to succeed in his dream of becoming a guitar player. This is always a basic principle in guitar lessons.

The fingers, wrists, and hands are the most used body parts that handle the demand of guitar-playing. If these body parts are rigid and won’t cooperate, you will have a hard time strumming guitar strings and fretting on your board. Stretching is important in most other activity that you do to condition your body and prevent injuryjust like with running, playing basketball, dancing, or even singing.

Importance of Stretching in Your Guitar-playing

As mentioned above, stretching is important to condition your body for a physical activity. Whenever you are playing the guitar before your guitar classes or your practice, you must not forget to perform even a short stretching to condition your hands and fingers.


Stretching will help prevent sudden shock and injury in your hands and fingers. If you are playing or practicing for long hours, your hands will tend to get tired and stiff easily. Moreover, stretching will make your hand flexible in guitar-playing in the long run, making your journey in guitar-playing faster and easier.

How much Time You Should Allot Hand and Finger for Exercises

Some students tend to discard stretching and warm-up, thinking that it will only eat time from their guitar lessons and practice. But you do not really have to spend considerable amount of time to stretch and warm-up your hands and fingers.

Five minutes of stretching should be enough to condition your hands and fingers. Remember not to push your fingers and hands beyond their limits, or you will just hurt yourself. To be able to move quickly over your fret board, you have to exercise and strengthen your gripping muscles.

Beyond Hand and Finger Stretching

Aside from stretching and warming-up your hands and fingers, it is also vital to condition your entire body for long hours of playing the guitar. Full body stretches can help you gain better posture when you have to practice or play the guitar for long hours. While you think that you only need to use your fingers and hands in strumming your musical instrument during guitar classes, your back is also affected by this activity.

Condition your back, arms, neck, and legs by doing basic stretches or yoga poses. Stretching will help your body endure long hours of practice and playing.

Things to Keep in Mind

Even while stretching helps a lot in conditioning your body, you still have to keep in mind that very long hours of guitar-playing can strain your body. Listen to your body and do not over work if you feel exhausted.

Do not try to invent stretches. Sometimes, even if you think doing a particular stretch for your hands and fingers is useful, it may not be suitable for your activity. Your teacher will instruct you on what stretches and warm-ups will be suitable during your guitar lessons.

About the Author: Audrey Tan is a music instructor in Singapore who loves to share her extensive knowledge of music and the art of performing to her students and blog readers. Visit her site at

or call 8168 8251.


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